Thursday, 28 November 2013

CILIP Professional Knowledge and Skills Base, and Vitae Researcher Development Framework

A couple of years ago, I helped a research supervisor colleague plan some research skills training for doctoral students.  The framework was based on a handy diagram, available from the Vitae website.  (Vitae is a research support organisation, and their diagram is called the Vitae Researcher Development Framework.)

Now, here I am in my librarian capacity (and a CILIP mentor), looking at CILIP's new Professional Knowledge and Skills Base.  It's a great idea.  And guess what?  We have our own circle too, now!  Here's a brochure about it - you have to be a CILIP member to download the fuller document.

All about professional knowledge and skills in librarianship:-


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your post. It's great sharing..
    Thanks for such wonderful professional skill development info sharing with us.
